ᑲᐃᓀᐣᑕᒪᐣᐠ ᒋᑭ ᐃᓯᓭᑭᐸᐣ

ᐃᒪ ᐃᐧᒋᐦᐃᑯᐃᐧᓇᐣ ᐊᔭᐊᐧᐣ ᑕᔑᑫᐃᐧᓂᐠ

Our Vision

The Answers Lie Within The Communities

For over 35 years, we have been serving our 30 First Nations. The Creator entrusted First Nations with the sacred responsibility of protecting our children and developing strong families and healthy communities.

The Chiefs created Tikinagan to support and strengthen our children, our families, and our communities. The future of our communities is our children. They need to be nurtured within their families and communities. As such, community responsibility for child protection is an essential aspect of Indigenous self-government, which is a key aspect of our service model Mamow Obiki-ahwahsoowin, “everyone working together to raise our children.”

Our service model

ᑲᐃᓀᐣᑕᒪᐣᐠ ᑫᑭ ᑌᐱᓇᒪᐣᑭᐸᐣ
Our Goals

The sacred responsibility for developing and sustaining our families takes us as Indigenous people back to the past to prepare ourselves for the future. The concepts, principles, and the values practised are the strengths we need now to encourage to ensure healthy families, which in turn will be the foundation of strong and healthy communities.

The overall goal of Tikinagan Child and Family Services is to keep our children with us, and within our community. The goal challenges us to:

  • Nourish the values and principles of our people
  • Draw our strengths from the people we serve
  • Develop skills and resources at the community level to address child welfare issues
Mother daughter

ᐊᒥ ᐅᑫᐧᓂᐊᐧᐣ ᑲᔦ ᑲᑭ ᐅᓇᑐᐊᐧᐨ ᑭᑐᑭᒪᑲᓂᓇᐣ

Our Values

There are nine values that represent Tikinagan’s guiding principals. To learn more, click on or tap each item to expand.


ᓂᐱᒧᒋᑫᐏᓇᐠ ᐅᒋᓭ ᐃᒪ ᑲᐃᔑᑭᒋᓀᐣᒋᑲᑌᐠ ᐃᐍ ᑲᓇᑌᐣᑕᒧᐏᐣ᙮ ᓂᑲᓇᑌᐣᑕᒥᓇᐣ ᑲᑭᓇ ᑫᑯᐣ ᑲᑭᐅᐡᒋᑲᑌᐠ ᐁᑿ ᓂᓇᓇᑯᒥᒥᐣ ᐃᑵᓂᐘᐣ ᐸᑭᑎᓂᑫᐏᓇᐣ ᑲᐃᐦᓯ ᔕᐍᓂᒥᑯᔭᐠ ᑕᓱᑭᔑᑲ᙮ ᒥᓯᐍ ᐱᑯ ᓂᐊᓄᐦᑭᐏᓂᓇᐠ, ᓂᑭᒋᑲᓇᑌᓂᒪᒥᓇᐠ ᐊᐘᔑᔕᐠ, ᑎᐯᐣᒋᑫᐏᓇᐣ, ᑕᔑᑫᐏᓇᐣ, ᑭᒋᐦᐊᐠ, ᑲᔭᐡ ᐱᒥᑐᑕᒧᐏᓇᐣ ᐁᑿ ᐃᔑᐱᒪᑎᓱᐏᐣ᙮ ᐅᐍ ᑲᓇᑌᐣᑕᒧᐏᐣ ᓇᑯᒋᑲᑌ ᐃᒪ ᑕᐸᓭᓂᒧᐏᓂᐠ, ᐁᑲ ᒋᒪᓂᑲᓇᐘᐸᒧᐍᓇᓂᐘᐠ, ᐸᔭᑕᐠ ᒋᓇᑐᑕᑎᓇᓂᐘᐠ, ᒋᐸᔭᑌ ᐊᔭᒥᐦᐃᑎᓇᓂᐘᐠ, ᐁᑿ ᒋᓂᐦᐢᑕᐏᓂᑲᑌᑭᐣ ᐸᐸᑲᐣ ᑲᐃᔑᒪᐡᑲᐏᓯᓇᓂᐘᐠ ᐃᑵᓂᐘᐠ ᑯᑕᑭᔭᐠ ᐊᐏᔭᐠ᙮

Our agency is rooted in the fundamental value of respect. We have respect for all creation and we are grateful for the gifts that we are blessed with every day. Throughout our work, we hold deep respect for children, families, communities, Elders, traditions and culture. This respect is demonstrated through humility, a non-judgmental attitude, effective listening, clear communication, and recognition of the unique strengths of others.


ᓂᐸᑭᑎᐣᑎᓯᒥᐣ ᒋᑿᔭᑎᓇᒪᑭᐣ ᐏᒋᐦᐃᐍᐏᓇᐣ ᑲᑲᓇᑌᐣᑕᒧᒪᑲᑭᐣ ᐁᑿ ᐃᔑᓇᑵᐍᐡᒋᑫᒪᑲᑭᐣ ᐃᒪ ᐃᔑᐱᒪᑎᓱᐏᓂᐠ ᒥᓂᑯᓱᐏᓇᐣ ᐁᑿ ᑲᔭᐡ ᐱᒥᑐᑕᒧᐏᓇᐣ ᐃᑵᓂᐘᐠ ᐊᓂᔑᓂᓂᐏ ᐅᑯᒪᐏᓇᐣ ᐊᐏᔭᐠ ᑲᔭᓄᐦᑲᐘᔭᑿ᙮ ᓂᓂᐦᐢᑕᐏᓇᒥᐣ ᐃᐍ ᐃᔑᐱᒪᑎᓱᐏᐣ ᐁᐏᒋᓭᐠ ᑲᐃᔑᐯᔑᑯᓇᓂᐘᐠ ᐁᑿ ᑎᐯᐣᒋᑫᐏᓂᐠ ᑲᐃᔑᑭᑫᓂᒥᑎᓯᓇᓂᐘᐠ, ᑲᐏᒋ ᑭᒋᓀᓂᒥᑎᓯᓇᓂᐘᐠ ᐁᑿ ᑲᑌᐻᔦᓂᒥᑎᓯᓇᓂᐘᐠ᙮ ᓂᑭᑫᐣᑕᒥᐣ ᑲᐃᔑᐸᐯᔑᑿᑭᐣ ᐊᓂᔑᓂᓂᐏ ᐅᑯᒪᐏᓇᐣ ᐁᐸᐸᑲᓂᓇᑿᑭᐣ᙮  ᓂᐏᒋᐦᐃᐍᐏᓂᓇᐣ ᐱᒧᒋᑫᐏᐣ ᑲᔭᐸᑕᐠ ᑲᓇᑌᐣᒋᑲᑌᐠ ᐃᐍ ᒥᓂᑯᓱᐏᐣ ᐁᑿ ᐅᑯᒪᐏᐣᑕᑫᐏᐣ ᐃᒪ ᐊᓂᔑᓂᓂᐏ ᐅᑯᒪᐏᓇᐣ ᒋᑲᓇᐍᓂᒪᐘᐨ ᐅᑕᐘᔑᔑᒥᐘᐣ᙮

We are committed to the provision of services that respect and respond to the cultural heritage and traditions of the First Nations people whom we serve. We recognize that culture is the basis for personal and family identity, pride and self-esteem. We understand that each First Nation community is unique. Our service delivery model respects the inherent right and authority of First Nations to care for their children.


ᓂᑭᑫᐣᑕᒥᐣ ᐃᐍ ᑌᐻᔦᒥᒥᐍᐏᓂᐠ ᐅᓇᑕᐍᐣᑕᑿᐠ ᑫᐏᒋ ᐅᐡᒋᑲᑌᑭᐣ ᑲᑿᔭᑯᓭᑭᐣ ᐘᐏᒋᐏᑐᐏᓇᐣ ᐁᑿ ᓂᑭᑫᐣᑕᒪᒥᐣ ᐃᐍ ᑌᐻᔦᓂᒧᐍᐏᐣ ᒋᑭᑌᐱᓂᑲᑌᐠ ᐃᒪ ᐅᒋ ᑕᐱᑕᐏᓭᐏᓂᐠ ᐁᑿ ᐊᐦᐯᓂᒥᑯᐏᓂᐠ᙮ ᓂᐸᑭᑎᐣᑎᓯᒥᐣ ᒋᑌᐻᔦᓂᒥᑯᔭᐠ ᑫᐏᒋ ᑌᐱᓇᒪᑭᐣ ᐃᑵᓂᐘᐣ ᑲᓇᐘᐸᒥᑯᓱᐏᓂᐠ ᒥᓂᑯᓱᐏᓇᐣ ᐃᒪ ᓂᑎᓇᔑᐍᐏᓂᓇᐠ ᐃᒪ ᐊᓂᔑᓂᓂᐏ ᐅᑯᒪᐏᓇᓇᐘᔑᔕᐠ ᐅᒥᓄᔭᐏᓂᐘᐠ ᐱᒧᒋᑫᐏᓂᐠ᙮

We understand that trust is essential to building effective relationships and we know that trust must be earned through consistency and dependability. We are committed to being trustworthy in fulfilling the responsibilities inherent in our mandate as a First Nations child welfare organization.

ᑲᔭᐡ ᑐᑕᒧᐏᐣ ᑲᓇᐍᓂᒪᐘᓱᐏᓂᐠ
Customary Care

ᓂᑲᓇᑌᐣᑕᒥᐣ ᑲᔭᐡ ᑲᓇᐍᓂᒪᐘᓱᐏᓂᐠ ᑐᑕᒧᐏᓇᐣ ᐃᐍ ᐅᒋ ᑲᓇᐍᐣᑕᑯᓯᐘᐨ ᐊᐘᔑᔕᐠ, ᐁᑿ ᓂᑲᑵ ᐱᒥᐣᔕᐦᐊᒥᓇᐣ ᐅᑵᓂᐘᐣ ᑲᔭᐡ ᐱᒥᑐᑕᒧᐏᓇᐣ ᑲᐃᔑᑐᑕᒪᑭᐣ ᓂᐘᐍᓇᒋᑫᐏᓂᓇᐠ ᐁᑿ ᐱᒧᑐᔭᑭᐣ ᐊᐘᔑᔕᐠ ᐅᒥᓄᔭᐏᓂᐘᐣ ᐏᒋᐦᐃᐍᐏᓇᐣ᙮  ᒪᒪᐤ ᐅᐱᑭᐦᐊᐘᓱᐏᐣ ᑲᓇᐍᓂᒪᐘᓱᐏᓂᐠ ᐊᐸᑕᐣ ᒥᓂᑯᓱᐏᓂᐠ ᑎᐯᐣᒋᑫᐏᐣ ᐃᐍ ᐊᓂᔑᓂᓂᐏ ᐅᑯᒪᐏᓇᐣ ᒋᐏᓀᐣᑕᒧᐘᐨ ᐃᑵᓂᐘᐣ ᐊᐘᔑᔕᐣ ᑲᓇᑕᐍᐣᑕᑿᓂᓂᐠ ᒋᑲᓇᐍᐣᑕᑯᓯᓂᐨ᙮ ᐃᒪ ᒪᒪᐤ ᐅᐱᑭᐦᐊᐘᓱᐏᓂᐠ ᑲᓇᐍᓂᒪᐘᓱᐏᓂᐠ, ᓂᑕᓄᐦᑲᑕᒥᐣ ᒋᐱᒪᒋᑐᔭᐠ ᐃᐍ ᑎᐯᐣᒋᑫᐏᐣ ᐏᒋᔭᒥᑐᐏᓂᐠ ᐁᑿ ᐃᐅᐡᒋᑲᑌᐠ ᐏᒋᐏᑐᐏᓇᐣ ᒪᒪᐤ ᑕᔑᑫᐏᐣ ᐘᐸᒥᑯᓱᐏᐣ ᑫᐏᒋ ᐅᐱᑭᐦᐊᐘᒋᐣ ᐊᐘᔑᔕᐣ᙮

We respect traditional customary practices of caring for children, and we strive to uphold these traditional customs in the ways that we organize and deliver child welfare services. Mamow Obiki-ahwahsoowin care embraces the inherent jurisdiction of First Nations to make decisions for children in need of protection. Through Mamow Obiki-ahwahsoowin care, we work to preserve family unity and build a network of shared community responsibility for raising children.


ᓂᑲᓇᑌᐣᑕᒧᐏᓂᓇᐣ ᐃᑵᓂᐘᐠ ᐅᒋ ᑲᔭᓄᐦᑲᔭᑿ ᓇᑿᐣ ᐃᒪ ᑲᐃᔑᐸᑭᑎᐣᑎᓯᔭᐠ ᑿᔭᑿᑎᓱᐏᓂᐠ᙮ ᓂᐸᑭᑎᐣᑎᓯᒥᐣ ᑕᐱᑕᐏᓇᐠ ᑌᐻᐏᓂᐠ ᒋᑐᑕᒪᑭᐣ ᑲᐃᔑᐘᐏᒋᐘᔭᑿ ᑯᑕᑭᔭᐠ ᐊᐏᔭᐠ, ᒋᑕᐏᓇᒪᑭᐣ ᐁᑿ ᒋᑫᒋᐍᔭᐠ ᐏᑕᒪᑭᐣ ᐃᓯᓭᐏᓇᐣ, ᒋᑭᑎᔭᐠ ᐊᐣ ᐘᐃᑭᑎᔭᐠ ᐁᑿ ᒋᑐᑕᒪᑭᐣ ᐃᑵᓂᐘᐣ ᑫᑯᓇᐣ ᑲᐃᑭᑎᔭᑭᐣ᙮ ᓂᑲᐱᓯᐣᑕᒥᐣ ᒋᑕᐏᓇᒪᐠ ᓂᒪᒥᑐᓀᐣᒋᑫᓇᐣ ᐁᑿ ᒋᑕᐏᓇᒪᐠ ᓂᑌᐦᐃᓇᐠ, ᒋᓄᑕᒪᑭᐣ ᐃᑭᑐᐏᓇᐣ ᐁᑿ ᒋᐏᑕᐱᓇᒪᑭᐣ ᑲᐏᐣ ᓇᐦᐁᐣᑕᒧᐏᓇᐣ ᑲᐏᑕᒪᑯᔭᐠ᙮

Our respect for those we serve is reflected in our commitment to honesty. We are committed to be consistently truthful in our interactions with others, to be open and direct in identifying issues, to say what we mean and to follow through with what we say. We are willing to listen with an open mind and an open heart, to hear feedback and to accept criticism.


ᐃᒪ ᐅᒋ ᑭᑕᓂᔑᓂᓂᐏ ᐅᑯᒪᐏᓇᓇᐣ ᐃᓇᔑᐍᐏᓇᐣ, ᑭᒥᓂᑯᓯᒥᐣ ᒋᑲᓇᐘᐸᒥᑯᓯᔭᐠ ᒋᑿᔭᑎᓇᒷᔭᑿ ᐊᐘᔑᔕᐠ ᒥᓄᔭᐏᓂᐠ ᐏᒋᐦᐃᐍᐏᓇᐣ᙮ ᑭᑲᓇᐘᐸᒥᑯᓯᒥᐣ ᒋᑿᔭᑎᓇᒪᑭᐣ ᒪᐘᐨ ᑫᒥᓄᐊᓄᐦᑭᓭᑭᐣ ᐏᒋᐦᐃᐍᐏᓇᐣ ᐃᑵᓂᐘᐠ ᐅᒋ ᐊᐘᔑᔕᐠ ᐁᑿ ᑎᐯᐣᒋᑫᐏᓇᐣ᙮ ᓂᐸᑭᑎᐣᑎᓯᒥᐣ ᐃᐍ ᒪᐘᐨ ᑫᒥᓄᐘᔑᐠ ᐁᑿ ᑫᔭᐦᐯᐣᒋᑲᑌᐠ ᒥᓯᐍ ᐱᑯ ᐃᑵᓂᐘᐣ ᐏᒋᐦᐃᐍᐏᓇᐣ ᐱᒧᒋᑫᐏᓂᐠ᙮

Through our First Nations mandate, we are entrusted with the responsibility of providing child welfare services. We are accountable to provide high quality services to children and families. We are committed to excellence and dependability in all aspects of service delivery.


ᐃᔑᑭᔑᐍᐃᐣ ᒪᐘᐨ ᑭᒋᓀᐣᑕᑿᐣ ᐃᒪ ᐃᔑᐱᒪᑎᓱᐏᓂᐠ ᑲᐏᒋ ᑭᑫᓂᒥᑎᓯᓇᓂᐘᐠ ᐁᑿ ᑫᐏᒋᐱᒪᒋᒋᑲᑌᐠ ᐃᐍ ᐃᔑᐱᒪᑎᓱᐏᐣ᙮ ᓂᑲᑵ ᐊᔭᒥᐦᐃᐍᒥᐣ ᒋᔭᐸᒋᑐᔭᐠ ᓂᑕᓂᔑᓂᓂᒧᐏᓂᓇᓇᐣ, ᑲᐃᔑᓇᓄᑕᑯᓯᔭᐠ ᐁᑿ ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐃᑫᔭᐠ, ᐃᑵᓂᐘᐠ ᐅᒋ ᐊᐘᔑᔕᐠ, ᑎᐯᐣᒋᑫᐏᓇᐣ ᐁᑿ ᑕᔑᑫᐏᓇᐣ ᑲᔭᓄᐦᑲᐘᔭᑿ᙮ ᓂᔕᔑᑭᒥᐍᒥᐣ ᒋᔭᐸᑕᐠ ᓂᑕᓂᔑᓂᓂᒧᐏᓂᓇᓇᐣ ᐃᑵᓂᐘᐠ ᐅᒋ ᐊᐘᔑᔕᐠ ᑲᑲᓇᐍᓂᒪᔭᑿ᙮

Language is the keystone to cultural identity and to the preservation of culture. We strive to communicate effectively using our First Nation languages, both verbally and in written materials, with the children, families and communities we serve. We promote the use of our first language with the children in our care.


ᐃᒪ ᑭᑎᔑᐱᒪᑎᓱᐏᓂᓇᓇᐣ ᐁᑿ ᑲᔭᐡ ᑭᐱᒥᑐᑕᒧᐏᓇᓇᐣ, ᑭᑌᐻᑕᒥᐣ ᑲᑭᓇ ᐊᐏᔭᐠ ᐁᔭᐦᒐᑯᐏᐘᐨ ᐁᑿ ᑭᓂᒐᓂᔑᓇᓇᐠ ᑲᓇᒋ ᐸᑭᑎᓂᑫᐏᓇᐣ ᒪᐣᑐᓇᐠ ᑲᐏᒋᓭᐘᐨ᙮ ᑎᑭᓇᑲᐣ ᐅᑲᑲᓇᑌᓂᒪᐘᐣ ᑲᑭᓇ ᐊᐦᒐᑯ ᑌᐻᑕᒪᐏᓇᐣ᙮ ᓂᑌᐻᑕᒥᐣ ᐊᐏᔭᐠ ᒥᓂᑯᓯᐘᐠ ᒋᐏᓂᓇᒧᐘᐨ ᑎᐱᓇᐍ ᐏᓇᐘ ᐅᑕᐦᒐᑯ ᑌᐻᑕᒪᐏᓂᐘᐣ ᐁᑿ ᐅᑕᐦᒐᑯ ᑐᑕᒧᐏᓂᐘᓇᐣ᙮

From our Indigenous culture and traditions, we believe that all people are spiritual beings and that our children are sacred gifts from the Creator. Tikinagan will respect all spiritual beliefs. We believe people have the right to choose their own spiritual beliefs and spiritual practices.


ᑭᑭᒋᐦᐊᒥᓇᓇᐠ ᐅᐱᒧᑐᓇᐘ ᐅᑕᓇᐠ ᐃᓯᓭᐏᓇᐣ ᐃᒪ ᑭᑕᔑᑫᐏᓂᓇᓇᐣ ᐁᑿ ᑲᐏᒋᒪᑲᐠ ᐃᔑᐱᒪᑎᓱᐏᐣ᙮ ᐅᑿᔭᑎᓇᓇᐘ ᑭᑫᐣᑕᒪᐏᓇᐣ, ᑭᑭᓄᓂᐍᐏᓇᐣ, ᑿᔭᑯᓂᐍᐏᓂᐠ ᐁᑿ ᔕᔑᑭᒥᐍᐏᓂᐠ᙮  ᑭᑭᑭᓄᐦᐊᒪᑯᒥᓇᐠ ᑲᓇᑌᓂᒧᐏᐣ, ᑌᐻᔦᓂᒧᐏᐣ ᐁᑿ ᑿᔭᑿᑎᓱᐏᐣ, ᐘᐸᒋᑫᐏᐣ ᐁᑿ ᔕᔑᐯᐣᑕᒧᐏᐣ᙮ ᓂᑲᑭᒋᓀᓂᒪᒥᓇᐠ ᐁᑿ ᓂᑲᓇᐢᑲᐘᒥᓇᐠ ᒋᐏᒋᐦᐃᑯᔭᐠ, ᒋᐏᑕᒪᑯᔭᐠ ᐁᑿ ᒋᐏᒋᑲᐸᐏᑕᑯᔭᐠ ᓂᑕᓄᐦᑭᐏᓇᐠ ᐃᑵᓂᐘᐣ ᐅᒋ ᐊᐘᔑᔕᐣ ᐁᑿ ᑎᐯᐣᒋᑫᐏᓇᐣ᙮

Our Elders carry with them the history of our communities and the roots of our culture. They provide us with wisdom, guidance, direction and encouragement. They teach us about respect, trust and honesty, reflection and patience. We will hold the Elders in high regard and we will go to them for help, advice and support in our work with children and families.


Suspect neglect or abuse?

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Do you suspect a child is being abused or neglected? Don’t hesitate. Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can make a difference in a young child’s life.

Call 1 (800) 465-3624