MEMO: 2023 Tikinagan Finance and Personnel Policy Manual

TO: All Staff

FROM: Clara Young, Director of Finance & Administration

DATE: March 31, 2023

The Tikinagan Board of Directors have approved the 2023 Finance and Personnel Policy Manual effective April 1, 2023.

The newly updated policy manual ensures compliance with applicable legal standards.

The purpose of the changes made is not to reduce the beneficial terms and conditions of employment for employees, and many changes represent enhancements. All changes fall within the Agency’s managerial authority to regularly update and revise its policies.

The following chart highlights and summarizes some of the major changes that will be implemented.

Section 1
Section 1.3Advertising/RecruitmentAgency can advertise one or two weeks for any position
Section 1.6Criminal Record CheckClarified wording and made clear the Agency will pay for these
Section 1.9Drug TestingThe wording has change from “will” to “may”. It’s up to the Agency to decide when to do drug testing
Section 1.14ReferencesHR will no longer do these when hiring. Employees have a 6-month probationary period.
Section 1.44Staff Association GuidelinesThis has been eliminated as of Oct 3/22
Section 2
Section 2.2Confidentiality: Record Keeping, Storage and MaintenanceClient Files – will be move to all frontline policies. The Finance & Personnel policy is for employees only.
Section 2.9Use of Alcohol, Drugs, and Gambling while “on duty”Added – non-prescribed drugs
NewCommunity Events during Work HoursTo encourage staff to participate in community events, children’s activities, summer festivals, funerals, memorials, etc
Section Former 2.17Staff MeetingsPolicy Removed
Section 2.18HarassmentProvision for reporting investigative results in writing to complainant and person accused, and strengthened reporting options for potentials complainants
Section Former 2.23Occupational Health & SafetyMoved to its own policy
Section Former 2.24Workplace Health & Safety CommitteesMoved to Occupational Health & Safety
Former 2.24Smoke-Free FacilitiesAdded “Vaping”
New Policy 2.26Mobile Device PolicyGuidelines for appropriate use.
New Policy 2.27Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005Must be in Finance & Personnel Policy as per legislation
New Policy 2.30Whistleblower PolicyTo enable or to encourage staff to raise concerns of Reportable Activity without reprisal
New Policy 2.31Disconnecting from WorkMust be included in Finance & Personnel Policy as per legislation
Section 3
Section 3.3Holidays and Holiday PayAdded Sept 30 for National Truth and Reconciliation Day to close for the day
Section 3.6Leaves of Absence Without PayAll leaves without pay will move to this section such as Unpaid Sick Leave, Education Leave without pay
Section 3.7Sick LeaveThe agency will not require a doctor’s note on the 3rd consecutive day.
However, the agency can request a doctor’s note at any time.
Employees may accumulate up to eighty (80) sick days only
Section 4
Section 4.1Financial Expenditures and Signing and Authorization LimitsChanges in amounts for approvals, added 1 new position for signing cheques, enhanced credit card controls
New Policy 4.2(a)Tikinagan Safe Driving and Vehicle Use PolicyStaff must read this policy before they take any agency vehicle.
Section 4.6RelocationChange to Managerial staff only or Agency requests the employee to move to new town/city

The 2023 Tikinagan Finance and Personnel Policy Manual is available on Shared Drive in the Policies folder and on the Staff Portal for reference.

A – Cover & Table of Contents – 2023 Finance and Personnel Policy

B -Introduction – 2023 Finance and Personnel Policy

Section 1 – Administration – 2023 Finance and Personnel Policy

Section 2 – Working Conditions and Employment Standards – 2023 Finance and Personnel Policy

Section 3 – Employee Benefits – 2023 Finance and Personnel Policy

Section 4 – Finance and Travel – 2023 Finance and Personnel Policy