MEMO: Honouring Our Children Day/Season

TO: All Staff

FROM: Marc-Nicholas Laforge, Acting Communications Manager
Desmond Singleton, Acting Service Manager, Prevention

DATE: June 28, 2024

Re: Honouring Our Children Day/Season

Our annual Honouring Our Children events will officially launch with Honouring Our Children Day on June 24. This memo outlines expectations, budget, and communication requirements for your community’s event.

Hosting your event

Local units are expected to organize and host events for their community. The type, time and location of the event is decided by each unit and based on the expectations of the community members. All Tikinagan staff serving the community should be involved in planning wherever possible.

Budget for 2024

As we have access to additional prevention funds this year, we are increasing the budget significantly for each community for food, supplies, etc. Each community can spend up to $5000. If you have plans that require more than $5000, please consult your Service Manager as additional funds may be available. Please ensure your PO request note that the supplies/expenses are for you community’s Honouring Our Children Day.

If you require assistance planning or shopping for your event, please reach out to the Prevention Department. Additionally, the Prevention Department can travel to your community to provide support for your event if your community has a low number of staff. Purchase Orders (POs) are to be on General Purchase Orders.

Wiidamaakewinik Odanohkiig supports include toolkit, promotional items

Wiidamaakewinik Odanohkiig (Communications Team) will be setting up a webpage with information about the Honouring Our Children Day events, why we celebrate, how communities can celebrate and more. Additionally, a toolkit will be made available to staff, which will include an event planning guide. To help promote their event, staff should:

  • Share their event details with Wiidamaakewinik Odanohkiig as well as request promotional materials via the Staff Portal for their event (ie. giveaways, posters, social media posts).
  • Confirm the box of promotional materials is received at their First Nation office that includes HOC items.
  • Invite Wiidamaakewinik Odanohkiig to take pictures and video at your event.
  • Add your HOC Day event details onto the Tikinagan event calendar here.
